
Last Updated on : Monday, Sep 2 2024 5:31PM

Municipal Drainage

There are total 734 municipal local bodies in the state, in which, the current status of water harvesting system is as follows: -

Bodies Total Towns Cities which have sewer system Cities which do not have sewerage system
Municipal Corporation 17 16 *1
Municipal Council 194 46 148
Nagar Panchayat 523 3 520
Total 734 65 669

Geographical location of Jhansi is not good for sewer network.

Sewer system is partially available in all the above 65 cities and action is being taken to provide complete sewerage system.

State Sector Program

Against a total of 31 water harvesting schemes till March 2022, financial sanctions of Rs. 758.47 crore have been issued by the government. Out of which, the entire work of 17 schemes has been completed and the work of remaining 14 schemes is in progress. Against Rs.658.07 crore released from the government, Rs.583.87 crore has been spent.


AMRUT (Atal Mission for Renewal and Urban Transformation)


Hon'ble Prime Minister, Government of India launched the ambitious scheme ‘Amrit 2.0’, on 2 October 2021. Through this program, a resolution was taken to cover all the citizens of the urban areas of the state with clean drinking water through piped drinking water by the year 2025. UP Jal Nigam has been named as the executive body for drinking water and sewerage works by the Government Order No. 76/Nine-5-2022-4SA/2022 dated January 6, 2022.

Under the program, the City Water Balance Plan and City Water Action Plan of all the urban bodies were prepared by the UP Jal Nigam after establishing contact with the executive officers of the urban bodies and uploaded on the Government of India website. In relation to the first installment of Rs 8000 crore allocated by the Government of India for the state, 101 projects costing Rs 7362.27 crore for drinking water and water harvesting were presented.

State Level High Powered Steering Committee was constituted under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh by Government Office Memorandum No- 77/Nine-5-2022-4SA/2022 dated 11th January 2022. In the first meeting of the committee on 09.03.2022, approval of 101 projects costing Rs. 7361.79 crore was given.

The details of the sanctioned projects are as follows: -

S.No. Type of Scheme No. of Schemes) Approved Cost (in Crore)
1 Drinking Water Supply 92 5068-91
2 Water Harvesting Scheme 19 2292-88

Out of the above 101 schemes, 25 schemes have been targeted for starting within 100 days to 06 months and the remaining 76 schemes have been targeted to be started in a period of 06 months to 01 year.

Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0

Under the Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0, Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam (Urban) has been named as the working organization under the Government Order No.-91/Nine-5- 2022-03SA/2022 dated 06.01.2022, for water harvesting in cities with population less than 1 lakh. 112 cities have been selected in the first phase under this program.

Giving priority to important cities from the religious, historical and tourism point of view, City Sanitation Action Plan of Rs.697.45 crore has been completed for 37 cities, whose approval is proposed to be submitted before the upcoming State Level Technical Committee.

The funding of the scheme has been determined as under:-

  • Centre share- 50 percent
  • State share- 33 percent
  • ULB share- 17 percent

Operation & Maintenance - (STP)

On the principle of one city, one operator, 29 STPs of 1135.30 MLD capacity and related works are being operated and maintained through private agencies in 14 cities of the state and they are supervised by Jal Nigam. The supervision fee at the rate of 10 percent on the cost of work is received by the Jal Nigam.

Apart from this, 23 STPs of total capacity of 559.05 MLD and related works are being       operated and maintained by Jal Nigam. The actual expenditure on operation and maintenance      works is reimbursed by the government.